Welcome to Yarty Gardening Club


The Yarty Gardening Club has a membership centred on the River Yarty, including Bishopswood, Blackwater, Birchwood, Buckland St Mary and Otterford.

This friendly club welcomes anyone with an interest in gardening – our expert speakers cover a range of subjects and there are outings, quizzes and a Christmas get-together.

Membership is open to all at £12 per annum.  The membership year runs from February until January.

Visitors are most welcome for a small charge of £3.00 per meeting 

Meetings are held monthly at Otterford Parish Hall  or Buckland St. Mary Village hall at 19:30 (see calendar for full details of speakers and subjects)

Get Involved! We’d love to have you as a new member, or on the committee.

Committee Members:

Chair:    Pauline Bartlett

Secretary:   James Abrahams

Treasurer:   Michael Palmer

Membership Secretary:   Penny Powe

Programme Secretary:   Kaye Antonelli

Publicity:   Pauline Bartlett, assisted by George Wakley


We are affiliated to the Somerset Federation of Gardening Clubs https://sfgc.org.uk/